As part of Svetlobna Gverila 2018, I had the honor of exhibiting a project that brought poetry to life through visual art. The task was to visualize and create animations for a chosen poem, and I selected the poignant work “Jaz nimam več palm” (I no longer have palms) by Dragotin Kette.

Tribute to Dragotin Kette

I chose this particular poem as a tribute to Dragotin Kette, who tragically passed away in the Cukrarna building. The project served as a homage to his life and work, using animation to interpret and celebrate his poetic legacy.

Projection Mapping on Iconic Landmarks

The animations were projected under the Fabiani bridge and on the Cukrarna building in Ljubljana. The projections were meticulously mapped to contour and enhance the architectural elements of these iconic landmarks, creating a visually striking display that captivated viewers.

Creating an Immersive Experience

Through this project, I aimed to create an immersive experience that would engage viewers on multiple levels. By integrating the animations with the architecture of the bridge and the Cukrarna building, I transformed these spaces into dynamic canvases that invited contemplation and reflection.

Fusion of Art and Technology

This project exemplified the fusion of art and technology, showcasing how animation and projection mapping can transform urban spaces into immersive works of art. By combining poetry, visual art, and technology, I created a unique and memorable experience for viewers.


Jaz nimam več palm in lotosa več
in drugih eksotičnih cvetov;
jaz nimam gazelic in španskih romanc,
jaz nimam več laških sonetov.


I no longer have palms and lotuses,
nor other exotic flowers;
I no longer have gazelles and Spanish romances,
I no longer have the ”Laških sonetov”.